May the Lunar New Year bring you peace, joy, and prosperity.

This past month, I have gotten clear on what seeds I want to plant this spring. I know most people celebrate the new year on January 1st. I see things differently; I think of December as the 12th but also the 0 month and January as the 13th and 1st month. It makes it this beautiful rest period to bring space to what am I truly releasing and what I want to flow my energy towards. I shared this as an invitation to bend time in the way that works best for your awarenesses so that everything can truly feel like divine awareness or as some people say “divine timing”.
As you may know or if you’re new here welcome, on November 1st, I opened the first Awaken Innate Healing location in Northbrook, Illinois. This is a space to truly come to connect to self and innately heal. I am so grateful for all the clients I have seen already and for all those who have attended Sound Healing and the special events that have been put on. I am so excited to see this space grow and be the place locals turn to.

Here is what I am giving love and attention to because I truly love how they feel. I am ecstatic to share that my massage practice is up and running full-time for the first time since the pandemic in 2020. In these last five years, my world has completely changed by giving birth to my beautiful children and making space for taking care of my aging parents and saying goodbye to my remarkable mother’s physical form. Truly realizing how important it is to do what you love my husband, and I made the bold decision for him to leave his full-time job so that I could work full-time offering massage, readings and teaching. Allowing space for him to follow his passion. I am now calling up everyone in my area that is looking for a massage as unique as you are. I am truly passionate about my intuitive massages, which include a short, a brief energy reading and full body massage with Bio-Touch Healing. If you are ready to experience this for yourself book now at
This past year I’ve also learned how profound Lomi Lomi massage is for grief so I’m giving this attention. It has helped me along my journey, and I am truly honored to be able to hold space for others during their journey. Lomi Lomi is a full body massage with long flowing strokes that are guided by spirit and tell the story of a beautiful piece of driftwood being made into canoe through the actions of the massage, therapist a.k.a. me. For the recipient it feels like a dreamy space to feel your emotions and allow your body to relax and your breath to be easy. Lomi Lomi is a great massage for anyone. I have just found the deep connection in the journey with grief.
Of course, staying connected to my roots. I still absolutely love deep tissue massage.
There are three forms of connection I am giving love and energy to the spring. Teaching Bio-touch Healing practitioner training, running mu local women networking groups, and my new partnership with The Collective Journey.

Teaching Bio-Touch Healing has had a profound impact on my life. I still remember the day my mom came home from her training and said “Kai this is going to change your life.” Back then I had no idea how much this would mean, and she was absolutely correct . Bio-Touch has been a staple in my family through our healing journey that we call life and I am truly honored to be able to call myself a Certified Instructor of Bio-Touch Healing, and be able to share the wisdom of this one of a kind technique. Whether you are currently offering healing space professional and looking to do so with your family, I invite you to learn Bio-Touch Healing with me in Northbrook on May 1st and 2nd. Find out more about Bio-Touch and this amazing workshop now
I currently am running Deerfield professional moms, and Tucson professional moms. If you’re a woman looking to make connections, I invite you to join our movement by joining us on Facebook. If you are not on Facebook, but would like to be added to the email list to stay in the know for in person meet ups and networking. Simply reply to this email say which region you would like to join and I will add you to the list. I also help with Glenview and Northbrook professional moms. Absolutely love surrounding myself with strong supportive women.
Deerfield Professional Moms
Tucson Professional Moms
Last but certainly not least thing I am excited to share is that I have partnered with The Collective Journey! It is a beautiful online community to foster true healing and awareness. I invite you to check it out for yourself at
If you are a healing practitioner yourself and would like more information about becoming a practitioner, replied to this email, and let’s talk about how this may be able to support! incoming months, I will share more about the collective and their mission. For now, I am just so excited to share. I have partnered with them!